About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Journal History

The journal was originated from regular collection of papers 'Kriobiologiya i Kriomeditsina' published by the Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine (started April 1975, published initially annually, from 1980 semiannually); in 1985 it was transformed in 'Kriobiologia', the quarterly published journal; from 1991 there was two parallel titles published separately 'Problemy Kriobiologii' (in Russian) and 'Problems of Cryobiology' (in English) - quarterly published journals; from 1999 the journal 'Problemy Kriobiologii/Problems of Cryobiology' was published in Russian (Ukrainian) and English with side-by-side translation. Since 2013 the journal is being published under title 'Problemy Kriobiologii i Kriomediciny/Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine'


The coverage

The Journal publishes the reviews and original papers on cryobiological and cryomedical research, in particular the elucidation of mechanisms of injuries occurring in biological objects and caused by the influence of low and ultra low temperatures; natural resistance of biologicals to cold and their recovery post effect; the development of effective methods of cryoprotection and technology of storage of biological resources under hypothermic and ultra low temperatures, application of hypothermia, cryotherapy and cryopreserved biologicals for treating various pathologies; cell and tissue based therapies and other issues of low-temperature biology and medicine, as well as development of devices and equipment for low temperature biology and medicine.

The journal covers all topics related to low temperature biology, medicine and engineering. These include but are not limited to:

  • low temperature storage of biologicals (human, animal or plant cells, tissues, and organs), including preparation for storage, thawing/warming, cell and tissue culturing etc.
  • response of biologicals to low temperature;
  • cold adaptation of animals and plants;
  • utilisation of low temperature in medicine;
  • experimental and clinical transplantation, cell and tissue based therapies;
  • developing of cryobiological and cryomedical devices;
  • organisation and functioning of low temperature banks.


Peer Review Process

The Editorial Board takes the responsibility to provide a comprehensive peer-review of all submitted manuscripts. Our journal operates a closed blind peer-review process. Firstly an Editor decide whether the manuscript is suitable for further peer review. Thereafter the materials will be estimated by appropriate experts. Reviewers report about the possibility/impossibility of further publication and/or ways for manuscript improvement up to the level required for publication. Editors will make the decision on the basis of the submitted manuscript compliance with the generally accepted criteria (including those mentioned in short Publishing Ethics and Policy), its importance for scientific community, matching to the aims and scope of the journal, notices of reviewers, and, if necessary, correspondence with the authors.


Open Access Policy

Articles published in Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine are Open-Access articles distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). We provide immediate open access to its content adhering to the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge, increase visibility and readership. Use and distribution of the publications are permitted, retaining the credits to the authors and the Journal. The Journal holds the exclusive license to be the first publisher of the articles in print form and on-going non-exclusive license to disseminate the published content in various ways. The published version of the article could be deposited by authors to institutional or public repositories immediately on publication, stating a link to the URL of the published article on the journal's website.



All the researches in living organisms should comply with the principles of bioethics. On that matter our journal adheres to the Recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and International Association of Veterinary Editors.

Investigations conducted with human subjects, human material, or human data must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki. For all research involving human subjects, informed consent to participate in the study should be obtained from participants. Experiments in animals must be performed in accordance with institutional, national, or international guidelines, in particular, the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes (Strasbourg, 1986). In addition, local bioethics committee should approve all the procedures involving living organisms.

Any indispensable decline from the regulations must be approved by the bioethics committee and described in detail.


Publishing Ethics and Policy

Editorial Board of the peer-reviewed scientific journal "Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine" and the Publisher (Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine) during their operations adhere to the generally accepted traditions of publishing ethics and standards to ensure high quality of scholarly publications. The Journal endorses the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals and the recommendations of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

1. We expect that the author/authors submit the papers to be published in our journal adhering to the following criteria:

1.1. Research papers are original and based on the performed experiments or theoretical calculations (stated in aim of the paper and in materials and methods section), the data obtained are duly processed using statistical methods.

1.2. All the researches on living organisms comply with the principles of bioethics.

1.3. All the papers, ideas or data of which were used when setting the work or discussing the results obtained are stated when citing (including author's own previously published papers).

1.4. The paper submitted to our journal has not been previously published (except specially stated cases) and not considered for publishing in other scientific journals at the moment of submission.

1.5. Authors include those, whose contribution to the paper was significant (conception and design, task setting and work planning, performance of experimental work, processing and discussion of the results). All those who took part in the study and whose contribution was less are acknowledged.

1.6. If there is a commercial interest of any of the authors when describing the used equipment, technique, preparations etc. the paper should include information about it.


2. The Editorial Board takes the responsibility to provide a comprehensive peer-review of all submitted manuscripts.

2.1. Reviewers give a decision on the possibility/impossibility for further publication and/or ways for manuscript improvement up to the level required for publication.

2.2. Reviewers should be as objective as possible, maintain the confidentiality when analysing the paper and not discuss its content with persons not involved in publishing process, as well as not use unpublished data of the submitted manuscript without official permission of authors.

2.3. If potential reviewer knows about inability to analyze the manuscript in the due time, the incompetence in some of key aspects of the manuscript and / or existing conflict of interests, he/she should refuse to review.


3. Final decision on the possibility to be published in the journal "Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine" is made by editors and/or editorial board.

3.1. The decision is made on the basis of the submitted manuscript compliance with the generally accepted criteria (including those mentioned above in clause 1), its importance for scientific community, matching to the aims and scope of the journal, notices of reviewers, and, if necessary, correspondence with the authors. The process should be accompanied with the maximum objectivity.

3.2. Editors/editorial board maintain the confidentiality of reviewing process of papers and do not allow the information disclosure outside the persons, involved in the publishing process. None of persons, acquainted with the content of submitted papers, can use the data contained in them without official permission of the authors.

3.3. If any of the editors/editorial board members is aware of his/her conflict of interest when considering any of the submitted papers, he/she should notify the other members of editorial board, leave the process of this paper reviewing and, if necessary, delegate his/her authorities / duties to another editor/member of editorial board.


4. In case if after publishing the paper it becomes known about any violation of generally accepted criteria of scientific papers (including those set in clause 1) after considering the whole circumstances (involving the authors of the affected paper) the editorial board may decide to publish the relevant notice in next issue of journal and, if required, take other measures.  If finding any significant error, inaccuracy in the published paper, the authors must notify the editorial office of journal and jointly take measures on publishing corrections or refutation.


Copyright Policy and Licensing

Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine adheres to the open-access publishing policy. Free full access to the articles is available immediately on publication. All articles are published and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Under this license anyone could read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles or use them for any other lawful purpose, i.e. use and distribution of the publications is possible without permission from the authors or the publisher, retaining the credits to the authors and the source by citing the original article The authors own their copyright to the published articles and grant the Journal the exclusive license to be the first publisher of the articles in print form and on-going non-exclusive license to disseminate the published content in various ways. The published version of the article could deposited by authors to institutional or public repositories or posted on-line in other way immediately on publication, stating a link to the URL of the published article on the Journal's website.